North Sanriku Murder Story
After two years from the Great EastJapanEarthquake, the murder takes place in the north Sanriku.Isunexplored station and the mystery of the girl the key to thecase.Iwate Prefecture, northern Sanriku (Kuji, Noda village, fudai)is anovel game that was to stage a.We I am as much as possible real photos, to use the placename,but this story is a fiction. Patron-name, such as appearing tois afictional, has nothing to do with the entities.Iwate, is glad familiar, if you are able to share thenostalgicthoughts to graduates in the local of Sanriku.This game is a novel game that North Sanriku born membershavemade. About two years from conception, we managed tofinallyrelease.Game in the message is only Japanese.Change log2016/3/2 release scheduled for